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Call for NIU Emerging Leaders Fellowship 2022

The National Institute for Unification Education (NIU) of the Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea cordially invites junior scholars and professionals who have actively addressed Korean affairs in its Emerging Leaders Fellowship program (ELF). The ELF fellows will take part in virtual unification academy which involves lectures, research seminar, and conference.

The ELF Fellowship aims to present a unique opportunity to its participants to have and envisage a smarter way of bringing about Korean unification. It also serves as a platform for the participants to create and utilize a working partnership with not only ELF fellows but also many scholars and policy makers in Korea.

0 Date: May 17th~19th (3 days)

0 Program: Lecture, Research Seminar, Webinar

* To find out more about the program, please see attached file.

0 Eligibility

- This fellowship is available for foreign nationals who have sufficient English language skills in order to understand and participate in all aspects of the program.

- Candidates must hold a doctoral degree or demonstrate equivalent academic or professional achievement.

0 Supports:

- Presenters and designated discussants at webinar will receive honorarium range from $300~$400. (the amount varies depending the level of commitment)

- Fellows can join a network of 180+ Fellows and partner organizations from across sectors and world regions and continuously get supports for their academic career

0 Application Date: February 28, 2022 (Korea Standard Time).

0 Submission: Those who wish to participate in the ELF program must submit followings to by February 28, 2022 (Korea Standard Time).

Selected ELF fellows will be notified individually via email.

(1) Application Form and Personal Statement (Attached)

(2) Copy of Passport

(3) Copy of degree certificate

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