In 2024, Korean Government’s Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse a graduate level degree or research in Korea.
Please first check the "2024 GKS-G Application Guidelines", "2024 GKS-G University Information" and attached files below to learn about the list of countries invited to take part in our program, qualifications, available universities and majors, application procedures, application forms, and furthermore.
1.Total Number of Grantees in the USA: 21 candidates including 4 for Overseas Korean/Adoptees
2. Eligibility
- Nationality: Applicants and their parents must not hold Korean Citizenship.
- Age: Applicants must be under 40 years of age (born after September 1, 1984).
- Degree Requirements:: Applicants must hold or must be expecting to hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree by 02/29/2024.
- Grade: Cumulative grade Point Average must be above 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 or 3.23/5.0 from the previous degree program.
- Health: An applicant must be in a good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the full duration of degree.
- Preferences: certified scores in TOPIK for their proficiency in Korean / Descendants of the Korean War veterans (5%) of total score/ apply for the majors in the field of Natural Science and Engineering
3. Required Documents
- Applicant Form (Form 1)
- Personal Statement (Form 2)
- Study Plan (Form 3)
- Research Proposal (Form 4) ONLY applicable for Research Program applicants
- One letter of Recommendation (Form 5)
- Letter of Invitation (Form 6) ONLY applicable for Research Program applicants
- GKS Applicant Agreement (Form 7)
- Personal Medical Assessment (Form 8)
-Consent to Collect and Use Personal Information (Form 9)
- Bachelor's/Master's Diploma or Certificate of Degree
- Bachelor's/Master's degree Transcript
- Applicant's Proof of Citizenship
- Parents' Proof of Citizenship
*** For the 1st round, all certificates can be accepted without an Apostilled regardless of the official guideline. And you can send all the documents in LETTER-SIZE papers regardless of the official guideline, too.
*You must submit ONE complete set of original application documents and three sets of photocopied(only one-sided copy) application documents, identical to the original set. Total FOUR sets of documents must be combined by a paper clip/binder clip each. (Do not use stapler to bind them.)
** Application documents must be submitted in the order of the checklist(‘Application Checklist’) on the first page of the application forms.
***Please be sure to meticulously follow the instructions above to minimize potential disadvantages during document verification.
4. Application Submission
All the application documents should be arrived by 2/29/2024 (Thursday) till office close at 5pm (CST) by email, mail or visiting only to the following address. (*Late application are not acceptable)
Chicago Korean Education Center: 9810 Capitol Drive, Wheeling, IL 60090
5. Inquiry
o [General Inquiries] Global Korea Scholarship(GSK)Center, NIIED
o Application submission for 1st round: kec.chicago@gmail.com / 847-777-8830
<Significant Change in the 2024 GKS-G>
Starting from 2024 GKS-G, applicants who are expected to graduate by July 31st, 2024 can also apply for the program with a certificate of expected graduation. Such applicants must submit their official graduation certificate (or diploma) and final academic transcript to GKS Center, NIIED by July 31st, 2024. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your acceptance.
University Information:
1.미국 선발 인원: 21명(외국인 17명, 재외동포·입양인 4명)
2.지원 자격
o국적-지원자는 초청국 국적 소유자, 지원자와 부모 모두 외국 국적을 가진 외국인
o 연령– 40세 미만(1984.9.1. 이후 출생자)
o 학위- 박사과정(석사학위 취득자), 석사과정(학사학위 취득자)
o 성적- 최종학교 전 학년 성적 평균 평점이 기준 이상인 자 또는 동등 이상의 성적이 인정되는 자 (* 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0 이상인 자)
o 우대사항-한국어능력시험 (TOPIK) 우수자, 이공계 지원자, 한국전쟁참전용사 후손, 사회 경제적 배려 대상자 등
3.제출 서류
o지원서, 자기소개서, 학업계획서, 추천서(1부), 동의서, 자가건강진단서
o학위증명서,성적증명서, 국적 증빙서류(지원자 및 부모), 재직증명서 등
* 해당자만 제출-재외동포 또는 입양 증명서류, 한국국적 이탈확인서, 한국전 참전 증명서류, TOPIK인증서 원본, 출간된 서적, 논문, 수상내역 등
※ 1차 지역심사(시카고한국교육원)에 한하여 필수제출 서류 Apostille 없이 제출 가능함
** 붙임 모집요강을 참고하여 서류를 제출하되 모든 서류는 원본 1부와 복사본 3부를 제출하여야 함(no staples, please)
***지원시 필수 사항을 숙지하여 자격여부 및 서류등이 누락되지 않도록 유의. 서류 미비자는 심사대상에서 제외됨.
4.제출 방법
o 제출 기한 : 2024.2.29.(목) 오후5시(CST)까지 이메일, 우편 혹은 방문 도착분 한해 접수함 (마감시한 외 접수 불가)
o 보내실곳: 시카고한국교육원 (9810 Capitol Drive, Wheeling, IL 60090)/kec.chicago@gmail.com
5. 문의사항
프로그램 관련문의: 국립국제교육원 kgspniied@korea.kr /Tel. +82-2-3668-1364
서류접수 관련문의: 시카고한국교육원 kec.chicago@gmail.com/Tel. 847-777-8830