Overseas Korean Agency invites overseas Korean teens and college and graduate students to the 2024 OKFriends Homecoming Teens & Youth Camp where you can raise your identity and pride as Koreans. Don’t miss your chance to learn the development of Korea and experience diverse cultural programs.
1. Overview
A. Goals
○ To develop participants' identity and pride as Koreans by providing opportunities to experience the historic and cultural excellence and socioeconomic development of Korea for next-generation overseas Koreans
○ To cultivate ethnic familiarity through exchange and networking between next-generation overseas Koreans and those residing in Korea
○ To cultivate global leaders who can contribute to the prosperity of humanity and making Korea as one of the most important global countries
B. Eligibility
○ Teens- Overseas Korean teens aged 15 to 18 (as of Jul. 1, 2024)
○ College (graduate) students- Overseas Korean college or graduate students (incl. those expected to enter) aged 18 to 25 (as of Jul. 1, 2024)
D. Venue○ Teens- Seoul metropolitan area (Seoul and Incheon) and other regions (Gyeongju)○ College (graduate) students- Seoul metropolitan area (Seoul) and other regions (Gyeongju)
E. Programs: see attachments
2. Application
A. Application Period
○ Application deadline: 11:59 PM, Apr. 22 (KST), 2024
B. Eligibility & Preferred Applicants
○ Eligibility: Overseas Korean students who have legally resided abroad for five years or more- (Teens) Overseas Korean teens aged 15 to 18 (as of Jul. 1, 2024)- (College students) Overseas Korean college or graduate students (incl. those expected to enter) aged 18 to 25 (as of Jul. 1, 2024)· Overseas Korean residents, overseas Koreans with permanent residency, Korean nationals, adoptees, children of adoptees, and children from multicultural families· Students must be in good physical and mental health and able to participate fully in the program
○ Preferred Applicants- Those who wrote self-introductory letters and reasons for application with enthusiasm- Those who are fluent in Korean- Descendants of persons of distinguished services to independence or the State- Those who excel in different categories- Those who have received awards in academic fields and other extracurricular activities- Those who have completed a significant amount of service in the overseas Korean society or their community
C. Application Method & Required Documents
○ Application method: Applicants should visit www.korean.net, create an account, and submit an application○ Required documents- Fill out the required fields in the online application form (Korean or English)
① Application form and personal data provision and use consent form
② Self-introductory letter (English or Korean)
③ Certificate of enrollment or admission letter (Upload via the website)
- Optional documents (Upload via the website, max. 5 documents)
① Copy of proof of special skills or awards
② Recommendation letter (principal or counselor)
○ Notes- All documents should be uploaded via www.korean.net.
- E-mail, phone number, emergency contact, and contact in Korea must be accurate
- Enter your frequently used e-mail address, as most of announcements will be sent by e-mail
3. Benefits for Participants
○ 50% of round-trip airfare (economy class), accommodation, meals, and traveler’s insurance (newly added)○ Airfare subsidy standard- 50% of round-trip economy class airfare* purchased to join the program* The upper limit of airfare subsidies by region will be announced later.* 100% of the airfare will be provided for Mexican/Cuban-Korean descendants and Korean adoptees and their children- Airfare subsidies will be provided on the basis of the participant’s area of residence. If departing from areas outside of your area of residence due to your personal circumstances, airfare subsidies will be provided on the basis of the region of lower airfare(Example) If you reside in Japan but depart from the U.S.: Airfare calculated on the basis of a ticket from Japan will be providedIf you reside in the U.S. but depart from Japan: Airfare calculated on the basis of a ticket from Japan will be provided
4. Result & Inquiry
○ Result * Detailed information including airfare will be notified to successful applicants.- Check the result at www.korean.net after Fri, May 10, 2024
○ Inquiry (Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center)
-2024 OKFriends Homecoming Teens Camp: teenscamp@okocc.or.kr
-2024 OKFriends Homecoming Youth Camp: youthcamp@okocc.or.kr
-Korean Net application system: youngmin@okocc.or.kr
재외동포 청소년·대학생 대상 한국의 발전상과 문화 체험 기회 제공을 통해 한인 정체성과 자긍심을 드높일 수 있는 「2024 재외동포 청소년·대학생 모국연수」를 개최합니다.
이번 연수에 재외동포 청소년·대학생 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.
가. 사업 개요
※ <붙임 2, 3> 표준 프로그램(안) 참조
○ 주최: 재외동포청 / 주관: 재외동포협력센터
나. 신청 및 접수
1) 신청 기간(기준: 한국시간 4. 22., 월, 23:59 마감)
○ 개인 신청: 공고일로부터~ 2024. 4. 22.(월)까지 제출 완료
○ 공관 검토: 2024. 4. 26.(금)까지 센터로 추천 완료
○ 선발 결과 통지: 2024. 5. 10.(금) 이후 www.korean.net을 통해 개별 확인- 관할 공관 및 최종 선정자 개인 이메일을 통해 별도 통보
2) 제출서류
○ 필수
① 참가신청서, 개인정보 제공 및 활용 동의서
② 자기소개서(한국어ㆍ영어 중 택일)
③ 예비대학생의 경우 입학허가서(신청화면에서 직접 업로드)
○ 선택(신청화면에서 업로드, 최대 5개 이내)
① 각종 분야 특기ㆍ수상 입증서류(상장 등 사본)
② 추천서(학교장, 한글학교장, 카운슬러 등)
③ 독립유공자 후손 등 증빙서류
3) 온라인 신청: www.korean.net
4) 온라인 신청 시스템 사용 방법: 첨부파일 참조
다. 참가자 선정 및 지원
1) 선정 절차: 참가자 선정 → 결과 통지
2) 공지 방법: 관할 공관으로 통지, 이메일 개별 통지
라. 지원 및 문의처
1) 항공료 지원
○ 참가자 전원에 왕복 기준 50% 상당 지원(일반석)- 멕시코ㆍ쿠바 한인 후손, 입양인 및 입양인 자녀는 항공료 100% 지원※ 최종 선정자에 한하여 지역별 지원 상한액 및 항공료 지급방법 추후 공지
2) 연수 경비
○ 연수기간에 한하여 숙박ㆍ식사ㆍ프로그램 참가비 등 연수 경비 전액 제공(개인 경비 제외)
○ 연수기간에 한하여 개별 여행자 보험 가입 지원(상해ㆍ질병 등 보장), <신규>
3) 문의처(재외동포협력센터)
○ 2024 재외동포 청소년 모국연수: teenscamp@okocc.or.kr
○ 2024 재외동포 대학생 모국연수: youthcamp@okocc.or.kr
○ 코리안넷 신청 시스템: youngmin@okocc.or.kr