The Graduate School of Korean Studies (GSKS) in the Academy of Korean Studies(AKS), which is responsible to the Ministry of Education, is a research-oriented graduate school in the fields of humanities and social sciences pertinent to Korea.
The AKS Graduate Fellowship is GSKS’ non-degree program which invites international graduate students to the AKS and supports them for six months, providing them with a momentum to grow to be a next generation of promising scholars in Korean studies.
AKS Graduate Fellows for the period from 1st September 2019 to 29th February 2020 are now being sought. Those who aspire to widen and deepen their knowledge of Korea by conducting research at GSKS are very welcome to apply.
교육부 산하 한국학중앙연구원은 한국학중앙연구원육성법 제6조(대학원의 설치)에 의거 한국학대학원을 설치 운영하고 있습니다. 한국학대학원에서 2019년 차세대 한국학자 초청 연구지원(AKS Graduate Fellowship) 대상자를 다음과 같이 모집하오니 유능한 대학원생들이 큰 관심과 지원을 부탁합니다.
Online Application website :
Online Application deadline : April 12, 2019 (Friday) 5:00pm (KOREA TIME)
Questions : / +82-31-730-8183