< Summer Intensive Korean Class for Youth 중고생 여름 한국어 수업>
□ Class Schedule: July 26th ~ August 6th, 2021 (Mon~Fri, Total 10 classes)
□ Requirement : 12 to 18 years old and must have 2nd Corona Vaccination completed
□ Level
-Novice Group (limited to 15 people): 10:00am-11:00am
This class is for those who have no experience of learning Korean or don't know Hangul
-Beginner Group (limited to 15 people): 11:00am-12:00pm
This class is for those who have difficulty reading and writing Korean and want to communicate more comfortably in Korean
□ Registration fee: $20
□ Course registration : Please register for Novice Class through this link, and Beginner Class through this link from July 2 to 20.
*부모님을 위한 자녀교육 특강'은 취소되었습니다. 죄송합니다.
< Benefits for Parents: 부모님을 위한 자녀교육 특강 >
Chicago Korean Education Center offers a special lecture for parents. The lecture will be provided in English and Korean respectively.
□ Instructor (강사): Professor Yoojin Choi of North Park University (최유진 교수님)
* Phillips Exeter Academy 교사 경력, Harvard University 입학사정 경험 등
□ Topic (주제): Educating the Whole Person (21세기 인재)
□ Place: Event Hall 1 (Korean Cultural Center of Chicago, Wheeling)
□ Date and time
-English: July 28(Wed) 10:00am~11:00am
-Korean: July 28(Wed) 11:00am~12:00pm
□ Requirement: Must have 2nd Corona vaccination completed
□ Registration: Please register for English lecture through this link, and Korean lecture through this link from July 2 to 20. Only for 30 seats in each lecture
□ Inquire: Korean Education Center in Chicago (847-777-8830–8832, kec.chicago@gmail.com)